Dealing with pests in and under a mobile home can be incredibly frustrating. Whether it’s the sound of critters scurrying about or the lingering odor of a dead animal, these issues can quickly escalate. Plus, for those with mobile homes in a secluded area, pests can range from more wild animals that folks in more urban areas may not have to deal with. Fortunately, several effective pest control strategies help prevent pests from making your mobile home their home.

1. Clear Trash and Debris

One of the most effective ways to deter rodents and other pests is by maintaining a clean environment around your mobile home. Trash and debris serve as attractive shelters and food sources for pests. Regularly picking up litter and keeping the area clean can significantly reduce the chances of unwanted guests taking up residence beneath your home.

2. Secure Trash and Recycling Bins

While removing trash is important, ensuring bins are correctly secured is equally vital. Rodents possess a keen sense of smell and can detect food from considerable distances. Always close the lids tightly on trash and recycling bins to minimize attraction. Keeping these bins elevated off the ground can also help reduce access. If you live where bears and raccoons may be an issue, consider obtaining a lockable trash can.

3. Install and Maintain Skirting

Investing in durable skirting around your mobile home can be a game-changer in pest control. Common materials for skirting include vinyl, metal, brick, plywood, and cinder block. It’s crucial that the skirting completely encircles your home and that you regularly check for any cracks or holes. Rodents can squeeze through surprisingly small spaces, so prompt repairs are essential.

4. Position Bird Feeders Wisely

Bird feeders can unintentionally attract rodents, mainly if seeds fall to the ground. To minimize this risk, place bird feeders near your home. This simple adjustment can help prevent pests from lurking nearby for fallen seeds.

5. Use Natural Deterrents

A surprising yet effective way to deter rodents is by using chili or habanero flakes around the perimeter of your home. Rodents are susceptible to strong smells, and the spicy odor of these flakes can discourage them from approaching. Just remember to reapply after rainfall to maintain their effectiveness. Planting marigolds around your mobile home is also a surprising pest repellent. Due to their strong scent and taste, marigolds deter various pests, including aphids, nematodes, and deer. The pungent aroma is unappealing to deer, while the compounds in marigolds, such as pyrethrum, repel insects, making them an effective natural pest control option.

6. Install Motion-Sensor Lights

Since many rodents are nocturnal, they tend to prefer dark spaces. Installing motion-sensor lights around your mobile home can help keep these pests at bay. The sudden illumination can startle them, and since the lights are not consistently on, rodents won’t easily adapt to them. This unpredictability makes motion-sensor lights a useful deterrent.

7. Use Hardware Cloth or Galvanized Metal Mesh

Consider installing hardware cloth or galvanized metal mesh underneath your mobile home for added protection. These materials act as a barrier, making it more difficult for rodents to access the area. When choosing a product, research the options available, as some brands may be more durable than others.

8. Seek Professional Help for Existing Infestations

If you discover pests have already taken residence under your mobile home, it’s best to call local animal control for assistance. Attempting to remove animals yourself can lead to further damage and potential safety hazards. Investing in professional help can save you time and money in the long run.