The Mobile Home Sales Leader
Enhancing Your Mobile Home: Moldings and Baseboards
Moldings, baseboards, and mobile homes enhance any living space’s aesthetic appeal and functionality. These architectural elements provide a finishing touch to the interior and serve practical purposes. Like covering gaps between walls and floors, prot
I Didn’t Pick Mobile Home Living, But I’m Sure Glad We Are
Written by Sarah McKennon When my partner and I relocated to Arizona, we found ourselves in a cozy mobile home graciously offered by my parents-in-law rent-free. At the time, we focused on financial stability—paying off debts, building an emergency fun
Retiring in a Mobile Home: Mary’s Story
When contemplating retirement living, the typical images that come to mind often involve downsizing to a smaller house or transitioning to a luxurious senior living facility. However, Mary Logan, a retired therapist, had a unique vision for her golden
4 Ideal States for Living in a Mobile Home
Manufactured homes, also known as mobile homes for those built before June 15, 1976, provide an opportunity for homeownership to many individuals priced out of today’s costly housing market. According to Zillow, the average home in the U.S. costs nearl