The Mobile Home Sales Leader
Why Manufactured Homes Get So Dusty and How to Fix It
If you live in a manufactured home, you may have noticed that it gets dustier compared to traditional homes. While older homes may accumulate dust in specific areas, manufactured homes tend to have a more widespread issue. In this article, we will explore the reasons why manufactured homes get dusty and the solutions to fix the problem.
10 Steps to Keep Your Pets Comfortable in Your Manufactured Home
Pets are beloved members of our families, and we want them to feel comfortable and happy in our homes. If you live in a manufactured home, you may wonder how to create a pet-friendly environment that meets their needs. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to keep your pets comfortable and content in your manufactured home.
Eco-Friendly Homes: Mobile Homes
Did you know that owning a manufactured home can help you live a more climate-conscious lifestyle? With the increasing focus on reducing carbon footprints, many Americans are seeking ways to make both big and small environmentally friendly choices. In 2022, manufactured homes have become more energy-efficient than ever, thanks to industry advancements and consumer trends.
How the 1992 Hurricane Andrew Changed the Quality Standards of Mobile Homes
The year was 1992, and Hurricane Andrew was about to land in Florida. As a category five storm, it was one of the most powerful hurricanes in history. It caused widespread devastation, with an estimated $25 billion in damages and 44 deaths. Homestead was hit particularly hard, with 99% of mobile homes destroyed beyond repair.